Betirri Bengtson: University of Houston Receives Gift from Grateful Artist

Betirri Bengtson

Through his gift, Bengtson is leaving a philanthropic legacy at UH. “Legacy means doing something that doesn’t involve a fast transaction,” he said. “It’s something you do for the long term. I try to remember to stay within your values so that you create that legacy for the future.”

Through his gift, Bengtson is leaving a philanthropic legacy at UH. “Legacy means doing something that doesn’t involve a fast transaction,” he said. “It’s something you do for the long term. I try to remember to stay within your values so that you create that legacy for the future.”

As a visual artist, Betirri Bengtson’s talent has taken him around the world. The University of Houston graduate specializes in paintings and murals that focus on sports, particularly his passion for soccer. Bengtson has been able to showcase his art at World Cup events in Brazil and Russia as well as in Italy. “My art has allowed me to achieve a lot of my dreams doing what I love,” he said.

Bengtson recently gave a generous gift to the School of Art at the Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts at UH. Starting out as an art student, he admitted that he did not have focus or direction for his paintings. The School of Art faculty helped him refine his artistic vision. “I feel I had to give back to the University because that time was very valuable for me when I was a student,” said Bengtson, who also majored in the UH Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design.

The gift has been a rewarding experience for him. “It gives me a lot of joy by giving back, hoping that it’s going to help someone. Sometimes it’s hard to get funds for scholarships and materials as an artist; maybe you have to work and study. Hopefully this will help some students. Just by knowing that, it brings me joy."

Through his donation, Bengtson is leaving a philanthropic legacy at UH. “Legacy means doing something that doesn’t involve a fast transaction,” he said. “It’s something you do for the long term. I try to remember to stay within your values so that you create that legacy for the future."

Bengtson hopes that his contribution will inspire others to give to the University, describing such financial support as “good energy.”